Sunday, May 25

Movie talk

It has been wayyyyyyy too long since i updated. It's not that i don't have the time for it, but it's more of like i don't have the feel to blog/share about my life. But i just had this feel back today!

So basically i spent today watching movies.. Watched 2 movies that my friend recommended and watched.. Frozen. I know i know i'm super late in the Frozen craze but hey, at least i got on the bandwagon. Loved the songs way before i watched the movie, so i was singing along while watching hah.

The other 2 movies are "The millers" and "Pulp Fiction". Both are pretty good i'd say! Would totally recommend "The millers" as it's the kind of movie i like heh. "Pulp Fiction" is just.. weird and mind boggling!
Currently on watching "Her" as I've seen caps/gifs of the movie on tumblr and was intrigued by the fact that it's about this dude falling in love with an operating system. I'm still at the halfway point as i type and i'm not hating the movie yet. (Don't think i will because scarlett johansson's voice is fucking sexy as hellllllll)

Random but just wanna post this that i extracted from the movie "Pulp Fiction".
Don't you hate that? The uncomfortable silences.
Why do we feel that it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable? That's when you know you found somebody really special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably show silence.

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